Thursday, January 13, 2011

Lemon "Tea"

Ok, so there was a lemon "tea" that the woman on one of the blogs I follow. I tried it one morning, and it wasn't so great. I used a wedge of lemon but I do not think I let it steep long enough. Plus, I didn't add any kind of sweetener. So yesterday I made it again, this time I made sure the water was plenty hot enough and I let it steep for quite a while. Plus, I added a little bit of honey to it. It wasn't too bad. Today, I actually used a half a lemon, cut into two wedges, and added the honey. I am drinking it right now and it is actually pretty good. And I must say that it certainly does seem to help "move things along". The only problem that I might have with it is when it decided to get things moving. Will not be good if I am driving along on the bus when it occurs. lol
I am hoping to see some results much sooner than that, since I have a couple hours before I have to be back on the bus.

So I haven't been eating as many fruits and vegetables the last few days. That is not because I don't want to but simply due to budget issues. I get my first paycheck since being back to work tomorrow (and it is going to be a good one, too) so I will be able to go shopping. However, I have been still watching what I eat. I have been having bran cereal for breakfast, some fruits and veggies for lunch, and then a decent dinner. It is working, too. I have lost almost 10 pounds since starting this. And yesterday I stepped on the scales just for the heck of it AFTER I had eaten, and it still shows that I have lost weight. So I am excited to see what the scale says on Saturday morning when I step on them to record my loss. I did not post for last weeks weight loss simply because I wanted to make sure it was for real. If it all stays off until this Saturday THEN I will feel confident enough to post it. Unfortunately, I have not had time to jump on and record everything I have eaten each day. A couple more weeks and I should have more time, once I am done this horrible algebra class.

Ok, back to the grind. I promise to keep posting.

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